Visitor Information

Keeping Our Promise to be YOUR Hospital

Hours for Visiting
Family and friends may visit you during your stay at Wyandot Memorial, while being mindful of the rest requirements and privacy needs of patients.

General visiting hours for the Inpatient Unit are based on individual patient needs. To provide a healing atmosphere that allows for patients’ rest, visitors are encouraged to limit their visiting to between the hours of 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. (The Main Entrance lobby doors are locked at 8 p.m., and the Surgery Entrance lobby doors are locked at 4:30 p.m. Access overnight is available via the Emergency Department.)
Patients in the Critical/Coronary Care Unit may be visited by immediate family members on a schedule arranged with the nurse on duty.

Infection Prevention
To protect patients from the spread of germs in the hospital, your visitors should not visit you if they are sick. Visitors should also wash their hands before and after visiting, and cover their mouths when coughing.

Meals & Snacks in the Cafeteria
The hospital’s cafeteria is located on the lower level, and is open

Breakfast 7:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.
Lunch 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Dinner 4:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.
Visitors may also order a guest tray from the room service menu located in each room.

Vending machines are available near the Atrium, ER lobby and Medical/Surgical Unit.

Beca House North Shop
Local coffee shop Beca House has its north satellite location in the WMH Atrium. Specialty coffees and other delights are available Monday through Thursday from 7 am – 4 pm, and Friday from 7 am – 12 Noon.

Patient Beds
Visitors should not sit on the patient’s bed, as it is designed to conform and adjust to the healing needs of the patient.

Visitors may be asked to leave the room when the doctor, nurse or therapist needs to see the patient.

Visitors may use public restrooms located in the front lobby and throughout the facility.

Smoking is prohibited
To protect the health and safety of our patients, guests and staff, Wyandot Memorial Hospital is tobacco free. Smoking or the use of other tobacco products is prohibited anywhere on the WMH campus, including inside buildings, outside of buildings and in parking areas.

Guests may use their mobile phones throughout the hospital.

Waiting Areas
Visitors may wait in the main lobby at the front entrance, north entrance lobby or cafeteria on the hospital’s lower level.

The hospital’s chapel – located near the Medical/Surgical Unit – is also available to visitors.

Onsite ATM
The ATM machine is conveniently located near the main lobby at the cashiers office.